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LED Light Circuit

LED Light Circuit

LED stands for light emitting diode. An LED is a semiconductor device, generating light through a process called electroluminescence. When you pass an electric current through semiconductor material, it emits visible light. As such, an LED stands in exact contrast to a photovoltaic cell, which is the cell used in solar arrays to convert visible light into electricity.We’ve known about the technology behind LEDs for years. Contributing to the development of solid-state transistors, LED technology helped to land an astronaut on the moon and enable the creation of portable AM radios!

we are working with the third-generation of LEDs. This latest generation lasts longer, is more durable, performs better and is more energy-efficient than any other source of lighting.


Advantages of LED Lighting

Long Lifespan

Energy Efficiency

Improved Environmental Performance

The Ability to Operate in Cold Conditions

No Heat or UV Emissions

Design Flexibility

Instant Lighting and the Ability to Withstand Frequent Switching

Low Voltage Operation

Dimming Capabilities
